Brush, Brush, Brush…your SKIN, not teeth

wellness Jul 19, 2024
woman drying brushing leg

Dry brushing is for your skin, not your teeth, and the benefits are through the roof!  I was introduced to dry brushing about 5 years ago and was taken aback by what it can do for the body.  Let’s talk about what it is, how to do it, + why it’s so awesome!

According to the Cleveland Clinic, dry brushing is “a daily body massage with a dry, stiff-bristled brush.”  The brush is specific to dry brushing and is best if long handled to reach your back.  The bristles are stiffer than most to facilitate stimulation of cells.  Brush strokes should start at the feet, move in the direction of the heart, and circular at the abdomen.  Brush each area 3-5 times before moving on to the next.

This is best to do prior to showering and moisturize after while skin is still damp.  Itchiness may occur as the lymph is engaged but should go away after lotion-ing up.

Why would you want to dry brush?

  • Sweeps away dead skin 
  • Improves appearance of skin; including reduction of cellulite
  • Increased immune function
  • Encourages lymphatic drainage & circulation
  • Aids digestion

This is a component of self- care that I’ve really come to enjoy because the internal benefits are just so huge!  Many days I’d like to skip it and move on, but it takes only about two minutes so I push myself to complete it even when I don’t want to.  My skin is softer, smoother, + generally appears nicer, so I can only imagine what’s happening inside! Keep me posted on your brushing and how you feel along the way!

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