Guide Me Please

wellness Jul 26, 2024
woman head with beach scene inside

By now you all may know I am a huge, huge fan of guided visualization.  I first experienced it in a group setting and it was powerful!  I was able to settle in, stay in the leader’s words, and really “see” where she took us.  

According to MindBodyGreen, guided visualization is active while meditation is restful.  There is no effort to control thoughts or breath with meditation, only quiet to heal from stress.  Visualizations may guide the breath and mind in a specific direction to inspire a desired mindset, feeling, or body sensation.  Visualization it a great tool to prep our mind + body for performance, sleep, or even immune function.  

Why I favor guided visualizations:

  • Keeps my busy mind focused on intentional thoughts
  • Can help to reprogram stress reactions 
  • Utilized to achieve goals
  • Promotes authenticity & brings me closer to my truest self
  • Deepens intuition

I’ll be honest, there are days when I crave the silence that meditation brings.  The peace that results is life giving.  However, I can leave a guided visualization with the same amount of awe.  After containing my thoughts through a specific journey, the information provided may offer me just the answer I needed.  It’s such a comfort to know I can simply be guided to the core of my being to find the answers.

My suggestion would be that you participate in some guided visualization and meditation to see if one draws you in more.  You may even find that the time of day matters as to how active your mind.  Always do what feels best to you in the moment.

I’ll get into my favorite meditation app another time, but I’ll spill it here as well…Insight Timer.  You can find a guided visualization for anything you need.  It’s the best!  Just sit back and be guided to your best self.

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